作者:m.yucv.cn 編輯:中國廚房設備網
加入歐洲委員會之前,郭蘭克曾在英國、意大利和日本擔任過通信產 業方面的工程師和產品經理。
Frank Greco is the Head of Section for Information Society and Media in the EU Delegation to China in Beijing. In this task, he addresses all aspects of the relationship between the European Union and China in information and communication technologies (ICT).
Beforehand, he worked in the European Commission in Brussels in DG INFSO, dealing first with research management, then policy development and telecom regulation.
Before joining the Commission, Frank worked in the telecommunications industry in the UK, Italy and Japan as an engineer and product manager.
His educational background is scientific engineering (BSc, MSc) and business (MBA).
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