中國廚房設備網( 日期:2013.5.31 來源:互聯網
Member of the Board of Directors of George Here hosted today at the ceremony on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the debut of Poland KGHM Copper S.A. on the stock exchange in the Royal ?azienki, Warsaw. Among the invited guests was, among other things. Deputy Minister of economy, Ilona Antoniszyn-Klik
In July 1997, KGHM Copper Poland S.A. made its debut on the stock exchange. This historic date in the history of Polish copper. The appearance of the company's copper shares on the stock exchange floor was one of the most important events for the company itself, but also for the entire national capital market. Poland will continue to invest in the world Copper, not by stopping at the same time, recognition of deposits in Poland. Poland KGHM Copper S.A. is present on the markets in Germany, Canada, the United States and Greenland. Today the company is in fourth place in the world, if talking about rights to fold.
15th anniversary ceremony started from the unveiling of the memorial plaque to participate KGHM Copper Poland S.A. in revitalizing the people's Avenue, then a team of 450 theatre. Helena modrzejewska presented the spectacle of "Orchestra", referring to the history of the copper Basin. A festive chansons also premiere performance of "four elements" acrobatic group from Z?otoryja.
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