2009年 ,芬蘭“里維?馬代托亞鋼琴大賽”分享一等獎
2011年 ,愛沙尼亞“塔林國際青少年音樂大賽”3等獎,
( 是這項比賽自 2000 年首賽以來在鋼琴項目中獲獎
的第一個來自芬蘭的參賽者 )
除了對音樂的熱愛,杰明還喜歡芬蘭的冬季運動,如花樣滑冰、滑板滑雪等。他對科學特別感興趣。他的最新科技興趣是改良滑雪板,使之更加使用簡便。杰明是艾斯堡市一所國際學士文憑學校(IB-world school)的高一學生。
Jamin Hu, Piano
Jamin Hu (b.1998) began playing the piano at the age of four. He has studied in Espoo Music Institute with professor Sanna Vaarni since 2005.
He is a prizewinner in national and international competitions:
2009, a shared 1st prize in Leevi Madetoja Piano Competition, Finland
2011, 3rd prize "Tallinn Young Musician International Competition", Estonia
2012, a shared 1st prize in Leevi Madetoja Piano Competition, Finland
Jamin has performed several times in Espoo City “PianoEspoo Festival”. He was playing as a soloist for Tapiola Youth Orchestra on a tour in Italy in 2012.
In addition to his passion towards music, he loves to do Finnish winter sports like figure skating, and snowboarding too. He also has a passion to science and technology. His latest interests is redesigning a snowboard to help people snowboard easier. He is now a 1st year high school student in an English speaking IB-world school.
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