中國廚房設備網( 日期:2013.4.12 來源:廚房設備
IDGF – Industrial Development Grant Fund
The Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) provides financial support for infrastructure improvements in conjunction with projects creating jobs and generating capital investment in Indiana.
This grant provides money to local governments for off-site infrastructure projects associated with an expansion of an existing Indiana company or the location of a new facility in Indiana. State funding through the IDGF program must be matched by a combination of local government and company financial support. IDGF is established by I.C. 5-28-25
˙Calculation of credits
Applicants will be reviewed on the number and quality of jobs being created, the community’s economic need, a local match of funding, and capital investment being made by the company. Typically this grant does not exceed 50 percent of project costs. An economic development commission is established under I.C. 36-7-12.
The grant may be awarded to communities or other eligible applicants that have a commitment letter from representatives of the affected industry/industries indicating their plans to locate or expand a facility. Eligibility applicants include the following entities.
√ City
√ Town
√ County
√ Special taxing district
√ Nonprofit corporation
√ Corporation established under I.C. 23-17 for the purpose of distributing water
for domestic and industrial use
√ Regional water, sewage or solid waste district Conservancy district that includes in
its purpose the distribution of domestic water or the collection and treatment of
Programs eligible entities may qualify for include:
˙Construction of airports, airport facilities and tourist attractions
˙Construction, extension or completion of:
- Sanitary sewer lines, storm sewers and other related drainage facilities
- Waterlines
- Sidewalks
- Rail spurs and sidings
- Information and high technology infrastructure
˙Leasing, purchase, construction, repair and rehabilitation of property, both real
and personal
˙Preparation of surveys, plans and specifications for the construction of publicly
owned and operated facilities, utilities and services
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