作者:m.yucv.cn 編輯:中國廚房設備網
現任中國社會科學院信息化研究中心秘書長、《互聯網周刊》主編, 同時擔任國務院國有資產監督管理委員會笫一屆國資監管信息化專家組專 家,中國信息經濟學會常務理事、中國電子商務協會常務理事。數字論壇 成員。
中國網絡文化啟蒙者之一,中國“數學論壇”成員,中國信息經濟學者,著名互聯網評論家。《北京青年報》1999年財富風云人物之一,1999年中國網絡十大杰出人物的提名獎獲得著。2007年獲中國傳媒思想貢獻獎, 2009年獲中國傳媒思想貢獻人物獎,當選中國互聯網10位啟蒙人物,2008年獲中國信息經濟學會論文一等獎。
Jiang Qiping, the Secretary-General of Center for Informatization Study of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Chief Editor of China Internet Weekly, serves as the Executive Director of CIEA (China Information Economy Association) and China Electronic Commerce Association,Member of E-commerce Expert Committee, State-Owned Assets Supervision and Informationization Experts Consultation Group of SASAC, IMCC of Internet Society of China, and Director of E-Government Council of CAS.
He is also one of the torchbearers of Chinese network culture, member of "Digital Forum" in China, Scholar of Chinese Information Economy, famous Internet Critic, one of the Fortune Celebrities 1999 Ranked in Beijing Youth Daily, winner of Nominator Prize of Top Ten Luminaries in Chinese Network 1999, winner of the Prize of Thought Contribution to China Media in 2007 and 2009,one of Top Ten Torchbearers in Chinese Internet and winner of the First Prize of the Papers for China Information Economics Society 2008.
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