作者:m.yucv.cn 編輯:中國廚房設備網
2000年—2008年,哈利先生作為IBM全球技術總監,負責領導IBM通信行 業,為IBM的重要電信服務提供商制定基于新一代網格計算服務基礎構架的 解決方案,包括通訊計費、綜合管理、IT資產優化、網絡在線游戲以及網格/虛擬計算與下一代IP服務(如IPTV)的整合。同時,哈利先生還與IBM 研究院合作,為世界上第一個廣域網(WAN)視頻網格的內容分發創建適應 性網絡監控和解決方案。在此之前,哈利先生在IBM的無線移動、Cisco聯 盟和高清電視(HDTV)等領域擔當技術領導。他一直受邀參加眾多行業會 議和活動并做主旨演講。
哈利先生于2003年榮升為IBM杰出工程師,一直帶領IBM技術專業團 隊,為IBM在創新領域的持續領導和發展起到關鍵作用。他在IBM具有32 年的技術、咨詢、管理和創新經驗。
From 2000 to 2008,as the globe CTO of IBM, Mr. Haley is responsible for leading IBM communication industry, establishing solutions for basic structure of new generation grid computing service for important communication service providers of IBM, including integration of communication billing, comprehensive management, IT property optimization, online game and grid/virtual computing with next generation IP service (such as IPTV). Meanwhile, Mr. Haley cooperates with IBM research institute, creating adaptable internet monitoring and solution for the content distribution of the first WAN video grid. Before this, Mr. Haley served as technology leader in wireless mobile, Cisco alliance and HDTV of IBM and was invited to participate in many industrial conferences and activities for giving keynote speeches.
Mr. Haley was gloriously promoted as IBM distinguished engineer in 2003, leading IBM technology expert team, playing an important role in the sustained leading and development of IBM in innovation field. He possesses 32-year experience on technology, consultation, management and innovation of IBM.
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