作者:m.yucv.cn 編輯:中國廚房設備網
Hong Jingyi Secretary of the party committee of the China Center for Information Industry Development (CCID)
1962年生,畢業于西北電訊工程學院,大學本科,高級工程師。歷任電子工業部第十五研究所技術員,電子工業部人勞司副主任科員,機電部人勞司專業技術干部處主任科員、副處長,電子工業部人教司專業技術干 部處副處長,電子工業部人教司專業技術干部處處長,信息產業部信息化 推進司信息化基礎處處長,信息產業部信息化推進司副司長,工業和信息 化部信息化推進司副司長?,F任中國電子信息產業發展研究院黨委書記。
Born in 1962, graduated from Northwest Institute of Telecommunication Engineering, bachelor' s degree, senior engineer. Served as a technician with the No. 15 Research Institute of the former Ministry of Machine Building and Electronics Industry (MMBEI), senior staff member of the Department of Personnel and Labor of the former MMBEI, principal staff member and deputy division director of the Division of Technical Cadre of the Department of Personnel and Labor of the former MMBEI, deputy division director of the Division of Technical Cadre of the Department of Personnel and Education of the former MMBEI, division director of the Division of Technical Cadre of the Department of Personnel and Education of the former MMBEI, division director of the Informatization Foundation Division of the Department of Informatization Promotion of the former Ministry of Information Industry (Mil), deputy director of the Department of Informatization Promotion of the former Mil, and deputy director of the Department of Informatization Promotion of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT). Currently acts as secretary of the party committee of the China Center for Information Industry Development (CCID).
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